The Beta functions explained

Within your own loyalty program, you can enable or disable additional features as you wish. Let us tell you what these are and how they work.

Enabling Beta features


Where do I find the beta functions?

Follow these steps to see the beta features in your Business Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Business Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ and then within the account settings to Beta Features
  3. Activate or Deactivate the desired features using the green or red button to the right

Further in this article, we'll tell you where to find the activated features in the Business Dashboard.

The different Beta functions

Prepaid module

With the Prepaid module, you link prepaid credit to a contact. Think of it as a gift card, but personalized and linked to the person in question. This allows a contact to pay at your company or venue. 

Top up and down can be done through the Business Dashboard under Prepaid or through the Business App by adding the appropriate homescreen button.

Loyalty Levels

With different loyalty levels, or Gamification, you create different status levels - such as bronze, silver and gold - within your loyalty program in which contacts can be placed. You determine the conditions for these levels. With this you stimulate your contacts in their purchases and loyalty.

Want to know more about Gamification? Then check out our website!

Life Cycle

The lifecycle tool is designed to keep an eye on inactive contacts. This way you keep your contact file up-to-date and your active contacts are distinguished from the inactive ones. 

Depending on your agreed subscription, you agree on a fixed number of allowed contacts for your loyalty program. By filtering inactive contacts, they are not counted in this number. This creates leeway when the agreed number comes close.

When a contact is inactive, you decide by means of set filters.

Please note: inactive contacts remain in your contacts file, but are excluded from use in most functions. For example, the email marketing feature.

Example: would you like to set a contact to inactive if they have not visited you for more than two years? Then set the filter to Last transaction date is more than 730 days ago.

Where can I find the set Beta features?

Once a feature is activated, it can be found in your Business Dashboard.

  • Prepaid Module
    The Prepaid Module can be found in the black bar at the top of your Business Dashboard, under Prepaid.
  • Loyalty Levels
    The loyalty levels can be found in the Business Dashboard under Loyalty and Levels.
  • Lifecycle
    The life cycle can be found in the Business Dashboard under Settings ⚙️ and then in the left vertical menu under Life Cycle.