How to set up Narrowcasting

Here you can read how to create and modify the slides for the Piggy Business App

Narrowcasting allows you to display your own images, or stock images from our photo library, on your Business App device(s). Create slides to personalize the Business App for your business and inform your customers about special promotions or rewards.

How to create a slide in Narrowcasting

You can create a new slide by following these steps:

  1. In your Business Dashboard, go to Tools image (8)-1 > Narrowcasting
  2. Here you will find an overview of the (previously created) slides. Click Add to add a new slide
  3. Give your slide a name and click Create


After you created your slide, you can edit the settings, add your image, and (optionally) add filters. 


Here you can change the basic settings for your slide:

  • Name: The name of your slide is only visible to you
  • Display time: Enter how many seconds you want this slide to be visible
  • Active: Activate or deactivate your slide
  • Image: Select or upload your own image, or select an image from our stock images


Add filters to a slide to determine where and when a slide will be displayed. To add a filter, click + Filter group. Select a filter type:

  • Date: Set a date range for when the slide should be displayed
  • Shop: Select one or multiple shops
  • Device: Select one or multiple devices
  • Day and time: Select on which days of the week and at what times the slide should be displayed

If a slide has no filters, the slide will always be displayed on all devices.

How to remove a slide in Narrowcasting

You can deactivate a slide to (temporarily) remove it from the Business App Narrowcasting.

To permanently delete a slide, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Narrowcasting in the Business Dashboard
  2. Select the slide you want to delete
  3. Click Actions > Delete to delete the slide