API keys

In order to link your cash register to your branches, you need an API key. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • After opening your Dashboard, go to Tools and then to  Integrations
  • Click on Integration and then on Cash registers
  • Click on the green Add button in the top right corner.
    Give each cash register in your branch a Name, a Terminal ID, and then select the branch. 

Important! Make sure that the Name and Terminal ID are unique so that they are easily recognizable. 

  • Click the Create button. The API key has now been created.

If you work with an additional device (such as a tablet) in the company, then also follow the steps below. To do this, it is important that you have paired the device first. If you have not yet done so, please read this article.

  • Click on the cash register you have just created. Under Device select the device to be linked to this cash register.  

 To select the right device, open the Piggy Business App on your device and click on the Piggy logo in the left bottom corner. Then click on Settings, under Device Information you will see the name of the device. 

  • Repeat these steps for all locations until you have created unique API keys in the Dashboard for all cash registers.